Chains Will Be Broken

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV says, When my people, that means us as Christians. HUMBLE ourselves and PRAY and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways (our evil practices). Notice the next line says, Then (not before, but THEN) will I hear from Heaven and heal their land. Then chains will be broken and we will no longer live in bondage under obligation to the enemy’s lies.

We will be able to stand upright, with our heads held high. Knowing first of all in whom we have believed as Paul said. As we begin through prayer to build a relationship of intimacy with the Father. We will learn the character of our Father which is LOVE and Goodness, Kindness, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Holiness, Faithful, Omniscient (all-knowing), Sovereign (all-powerful) Omnipotent (posses all power), Just, Merciful, Eternal and much more.

Then and only then will we begin to see and understand how our loving Father sees each of us and our world. He Loves us and is not willing that anyone perish. He gave His only son to die for us. So if He went through all of that pain and suffering. How could we possibly think that he is against us or wants bad things for us. It is through His example of His greatest sacrifice that he is showing and telling us just how deeply He Loves and cares for us.

He has given us the keys and the authority and power but we must learn to appropriate them and align ourselves with what He has already said, (decreed) and done. The only way we can do that is to read and study His Word, then simply obey.

A Disciple Of Christ,

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